Monday, August 23, 2010

Mr. Copyquik turns Green with Solar Power

Why install solar panels at Copyquik Printing? We use about 360kW of electric per day in our printing facility. With copiers, computers, presses and human bodies all producing heat, we run our A/C units every day even in the winter months.

We are always looking for ways to reduce our energy cost. In 2008 we replaced all of our lighting with energy efficient T-5 fluorescent lights. We were able to see an immediate decrease in our lighting bill. Our goal with the solar panels are to replace approx. one-third of our electric usage with renewable energy and reduce our dependency on fossil fuels.

Today some folks feel that printing is not green and that paper uses up our resources. They are mistaken, paper we use comes from managed forests that are carefully monitored to insure their ability to be sustainable. Copyquik offers many types of recycled paper options and uses vegetable based inks. Our waste paper is recycled and our ink waste are properly disposed. We try to be good stewards of our environment and help our customers market their business effectively with print.

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